United in Christ, Called to Mission
11358 County Hwy Q | Tilden, WI
Dine-in or carry-out chicken dinner.
Huge silent auction. Watch for Facebook posts featuring some of our auction items.
Raffles, country store, kids activities
So much more for the entire family.
Raffle tickets:
Sold tickets drop in the collection baskets at Mass. If you are in need of additional tickets, they are available at all Church entrances, or contact one of the Officers.
Silent Auction Baskets:
Thank you for the silent auction items received so far! We always look forward to the fun things that everyone donates. Please contact Deb Schemenauer or Lisa Stoffel if you need an item picked up or dropped off.
Watch for Facebook posts coming soon featuring some of our auction items. Please contact Deb Schemenauer or Lisa Stoffel if you need an item picked up or dropped off. Thanks!
Pavilion Cleaning July 15 at 8:00 AM:
We would appreciate all the help we can get. Recycling of aluminum cans, plastic bags, and ink cartridges will not be accepted until after the Shin-Dig. Thank you!
Workers schedules: Schedules are available at all Church entrances. We are still looking for volunteers to work at the Shin-Dig so all shifts are covered. If you or a family member are not scheduled and are able to work please contact one of the officers.
Share on Facebook: Like our Facebook page so your friends can see our Shin-Dig post! (St. Peter Christian Mothers’ Society/St. Peter Parish Family)